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00:00 / 01:51
Another story

Fiction sometimes overrides reality. One of two things happened. Or both. 


I reach out for A.. We are a couple decent strides from the start of the field. I tell her something convincing enough. Tell her about my research- does she not remember the core idea of it? Wouldn’t these be so wonderful? And that the data we are entering in the CNN is starting to add up. Doesn’t she know that it'll work? Doesn’t she remember Frankenstein? eka.gren is our monster baby. 







As described by Andrey Kurenkov’s “A Brief History of Neural Nets and Deep Learning” (2020), neural networks take their name and method from how the human brain neurons process stimuli. Kurenkov states about the fundamental development of CNNs as: 

“Rosenblatt conceived of the Perceptron as a simplified mathematical model of how the neurons in our brains operate: it takes a set of binary inputs (nearby neurons), multiplies each input by a continuous-valued weight (the synapse strength to each nearby neuron), and thresholds the sum of these weighted inputs to output a 1 if the sum is big enough and otherwise a 0 (in the same way neurons either fire or do not).”


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