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“Exuviac sorcery works (or seems likely to work) because of the intimate causal nexus between exuviae and the person responsible for them. These exuviae do not stand metonymically for the victim; they are physically detached fragments of the victim’s ‘distributed personhood’ –that is, personhood distributed in the milieu, beyond the body-boundary.”(Gell, 104)

Sometimes it's my hair in someone else's hands. A. has stronger hands anyway from years of rock climbing and I’m tender headed for no reason other than that I’ve always been a bit of a princess. Maybe that is why I can’t remember what either one of us said to each other?

Sometimes I’m reaching back behind my hair, holding onto a wrist (hair brush?) with one hand and my other hand is between my legs holding onto another head that my legs have grappled between them. Sometimes it is E.’s head that I have pinned between my legs as we are dragged both by my hair. She always had the best hair. Thicker and more shiny than A.’s and mine. She shaved her head in highschool and she looked amazing. It grew back gorgeous as ever and I wished my hair was shaved too.



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